

OPC Day of Prayer and Fasting

The 87th General Assembly determines to call for a day of prayer and fasting on Saturday, August 21, 2021, that the whole church may pray as one people, and call upon the Lord with one voice, that we might lament our distress and unworthiness before the Lord, confess our sin, and commit ourselves anew to the faithful service of the Lord our God (DPW V, A.4); that we humbly implore God to send seasons of refreshment, pour His Spirit of wisdom upon us, and draw multitudes to the hope of the gospel by granting faith and repentance unto life.

If you recall, back in April of 2020 we observed a day of prayer and fasting, and now the session is encouraging, at the direction of the General Assembly, the church to join with the whole denomination in another season of seeking the Lord. Click here to read a biblical explanation on fasting, as well as this one which I prepared last year for our covenant youth.

My suggestion is to take a concerted effort to pray when you would normally be eating. I have listed below a number of matters that could be the theme of these prayers:

- For an end to the pandemic
- For stability in our economy and government
- For persecuted Christians in Afghanistan
- For suffering people in Haiti
- For revival in the church in America
- For the Lord to provide for our congregation's many needs: healing for those afflicted with illness, wisdom and strength for men taking the leadership class, suitable space for worship, study, and fellowship in the upcoming months
- For forgiveness of our sins, and Spirit-fueled obedience to sin no more

Your Pastor,

Kerri Ann Cruse