

Liberty in Christ

Happy Independence Day, everyone! Good food, fun, friends, family, and fireworks are always a fabulous way to celebrate the Fourth.  It is a joy to think back on what the colonists accomplished for us 240 years ago: liberty from a tyrannical despot, relief from oppressive laws and regulations, freedom to set our own course.  As an American, this is a day worth celebrating.  But, as an American Christian, this is not our greatest Independence Day.  The greatest Independence Day was not July 4, 1776, but rather the 15th of Nissan, around A.D. 33.

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When Life Disappoints

When we talk about life letting us down we usually mean that we didn’t get something that we wanted. Something that we worked hard for and invested much time in, something that seemed perfect to us, something that we loved–it was either taken from us or kept from us entirely. Depending on the circumstances, this can cause real heartbreak. Plans we work on fall apart. Friends we love turn on us. Calamity strikes. Death and disease show up unannounced. Things simply go wrong!

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